KlimA Heal / KlimAF
KlimAF: joint project of the Julius Kühn-Institute and Thünen-Institute, Germany, to evaluate climate protection potentials of agroforestry systems
- subproject AOI: increasing performance of agroforestry through optimization of organismic interactions (focus: mycorrhizal fungi)
The Jena Experiment
- long-term biodiversity experiment focusing on plant (functional) diversity and ecosystem functioning in grasslands:
- PhD project on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in context of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationships
Insect Armageddon
- Decline in invertebrate biomass in grassland ecosystems and its effects on biotic interactions, linked with the TrophinOaks by including clonal oaks: iDiv - Insect Armageddon
- Master thesis: "What effects does an insect decline have on the microbiome of the oak clone DF159?"
- Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the clonal DF159 oak: TrophinOak / PhytOakmeter
- Project work on oak microbiome under heavy metal contamination
- Master thesis on oak microbiome responses to insect decline